Thread: Honesty
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Old 08-10-2009, 02:44 PM   #5
Queen of the Ryche
is fleeing the scene
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Beautiful CO
Posts: 1,510
Had a client tell me a story the other day about his wife - she went to the bank, made a withdrawal, he teller gave her $200 too much. As soon as she realized the mistake, she approached the teller, who claimed loudly "I did not make a mistake." The sweet little old lady is trying to give the teller the money, and she gets all pissy and tells the lady, "Well you'll have to get back in line." So this sweet little old lady gets back in line, waits her turn, gets back to the same teller, who again tells her "I did not make a mistake." A manager comes over to see what the problem is, little old lady explains she's trying to give back the extra 200 bucks. The manager insists that her tellers don't make mistakes, so the poor flustered lady goes home with the extra cash, and tells her hubby about it.

I don't know about you, but the first time the teller tried to save face by yelling at me, I would have said FINE and skedaddled, leaving her to realize her drawer was short at the end of the day.
Once, in an interview, Chuck Norris admitted that he was not the most awesome thing ever.
He declined to elaborate; but I believe we all know that he was referring to the existence of chocolate covered bacon.

I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.
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