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Old 11-26-2001, 07:18 PM   #44
Aggregate Aggravator
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Dallas TX
Posts: 17
Re: misc

Originally posted by BrianR
First, Happy Birthday Tony. I'm not too far behind you. (Dec 19)

Second, perfect woman... mine is Cassandra Peterson, better known to you lesser folks as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. But then, I'm weird.

Lastly, I have to agree with UT, most actresses don't last and tend to be faddish. Few make it more than a decade.

I'm back. At least those from the KAOS days would recall my handle here. Yep, it's the guy who brought the 'DIE LAMERZ!!!' banners for the Reading Terminal meets. I was also known as Chowderhead #1. The current name was my original one at KAOS and IAI. I decided to use it strictly as a last minute decision. At the time there was a chess playing computer called 'Mephisto' and I was tempted to use that, I used the shorter version of 'meph' only because it seemed too egotistical to use the full version. I later became CH#1 only after a humorous rant by Rev. P-K (AKA Brian Siano). I popped in a few years back when I was living in San Diego, I'm back in Dallas now. No, not the Dallas, PA prison.... Dallas, TX. [slap] Yes dear, I'll get back on topic.
Color me weirder but I've always thought Teri Garr a little more to the attainable perfect woman though I always had a hankering for Stella from Saturday Night Dead. (There's an oldie for you trivia buffs. What station did she appear on?) She ripped off Elvira but most Philly-area people never knew who she was until after Stella got canned.

Elvira still does gigs on the Left Coast. I caught her in civvies at a California Guitar Trio gig a year or so ago in SD. She's pretty cool in real life when I met her. No airs, just real nice to everyone. You wouldn't know she was there except that someone pointed her out to me.
[back to pointless bantering]

I now hit usenet as Cujo. That's from post-KAOS times when I got the nickname at rib-eating contests at the Reading Terminal Market. I'll be bouncing in and out of here as the mood suits me. Glad to see the place is still together.
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