Thread: True Blood
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Old 07-27-2009, 07:46 PM   #1
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True Blood

So, who else is watching the best trailer trash show on TV right now besides me and mine?

True Blood, in it's second season on HBO, is populated with quirky characters, all more than ably acted by a fine cast of mostly young players. The storyline is reasonably cogent, while still being wildly careening and "oh, snap" filled.

It has resonated with me from the first episode, even though it makes me feel dirty (in a liberating way) when I watch it. I just keep loving even more. Much as I like highbrow stuff, I find this show to be titillating in the extreme. Also, it occasionally satisfies the geek in me, as in Season Two/Episode Six, which I just watched.

A large part of this episode takes place at the church home of the Fellowship of the Sun, a Christian organization determined to take out the emerging vampire culture and the vampires that represent it that is exists in the world of TB. These scenes were apparently shot at Marty Leonard Chapel in Ft. Worth, TX. I only know this because, immediately upon seeing the church in Sunday's episode, I recognized the architect as being one Faye Jones, whose most renowned work is the Thorncrowne Chapel in Arkansas, and so I hopped online and looked up examples of his work until I found this one.

Jone's architectural style is immediately recognizable. He uses a lot of very simple, straight lines reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright (not surprising, as Jones was a student of and friend to Wright). I also have a fairly intimate knowledge of Jones' work, because when I worked at Earl Hankins Roofing and Sheet Metal, we contracted to construct a brass sculpture that was designed by Jones, and which now sits as the central form in the Fulbright Peace Fountain at the University of Arkansas. We also did the roofing on a chapel design that was constructed at Powell Gardens, East of Kansas City on Highway 50. I would venture to say that, at one time, I was probably the most knowlegeable roofing company office manager in KC where Faye Jones was concerned. ;-)

So...small world syndrome aside, who else watches True Blood? And as long as we're at it, anyone else a fan of Faye Jones' simple, elegant designs?
"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog
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