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Old 07-24-2009, 08:10 AM   #55
Major Inhabitant
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Silver Spring MD
Posts: 128
Well, the problem with Metro circuits is widespread.

"According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the track circuit at the crash site has functioned irregularly since December 2007. Its performance deteriorated further five days before the June 22 crash, when it apparently failed to detect the presence of a train outside the Fort Totten Station, permitting another to plow into it. Nine people were killed, and 80 were injured.

The new information from the NTSB suggests that as long as 18 months ago, Metro officials could have found defects in the track circuitry where the accident occurred. Metro officials said Thursday that they did not know the circuit had been intermittently malfunctioning because they did not conduct tests that would reveal that specific problem.

Metro General Manager John B. Catoe Jr. likened the different level of analysis to a blood test. "When you have blood drawn, you can ask for test A through 25," he said. "We were only doing test one." "

In other words, we could have found it if we had looked. I am not impressed.

"Federal investigators found that the circuit began "fluttering," or intermittently malfunctioning, after Metro crews installed a device known as an impedance bond, also called a Wee-Z bond, at the circuit in December 2007, according to a safety board advisory issued Thursday. Metro has been installing new bonds across the 106-mile railroad as part of a project to boost power so the agency can run more eight-car trains, which consume more electricity than shorter trains. Each track circuit has two Wee-Z bonds.

The fluttering indicated a problem with the circuit, according to the data examined by the NTSB. After Metro crews replaced the second Wee-Z bond in the same circuit June 17, the circuit deteriorated to the most dangerous stage: It intermittently failed to detect the presence of a train. Five days later, a train idling in that circuit outside the Fort Totten Station was hit from behind by another train. "

"In addition, a source with knowledge about Metro's repairs said Wednesday that 11 track circuits on the Orange Line, from Minnesota Avenue to Deanwood and up to New Carrollton, were recently found to have problems detecting the presence of trains. One was disabled Monday night and put back into service Tuesday, said the source, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation. "

Which says to me that now that they are looking at stuff they are seeing a lot of problems previously ignored. I think that we were very lucky to go as long as we did without an accident.

I am glad I do not ride the Metro. And I do not think that important information should have to be given out anonymously, "for fear of retaliation".
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