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Old 11-25-2001, 10:33 AM   #14
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 523
Re: 'Splain Yourself Part II

Originally posted by Scopulus Argentarius
I've been known to brew a batch of beer or two
Scopulus be stillin' that sweet, sweet moonshine...

For me:

Reading. Working on The Illuminatus! Trilogy right now.

Sleeping. I have the most kickass dreams, man.

Music. I do a lot with music. I listen to a lot of it, compose a bit of it from time to time, and I've written more than a few songs of my own, which brings us to our next one...

Writing. I write songs, poetry, the occasional story, and I try to keep up my journal.

Movies. I have a nice-sized collection (VHS, but I hope that will change this Christmas), and attend theaters with not a lot of infrequency. Just saw "Spy Game" with Redford and Pitt. Go see it, it's worth the price.

Gaming. Not just PC, but I'm a pretty solid Nintendo guy (remembers his dalliance with the Genesis). Best I have is a N64, but again, something that will hopefully change by Christmas (prays for Teh C00b).

I tinker a lot with things. VCR, CD player, computer, basically any device around the house. I'm the resident tech support/engineer of the house. Many are the instances when the terms "Michael, how do I program the timer on the VCR?" or "Michael, hook up the cable box." have rang through the house.

I'm a total Star Wars buff. The only stage in my development is if I were to go to a convention, then I would be a full-blown nut. But I won't. I'm sad for going there, and it's sad to see Mark Hamill wrestling with obscurity.

That's about it for me. I'm not that complex a guy outside of games like AoE or other strategy-oriented games. Accept me...please?


Like the wise man said: Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
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