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Old 10-10-2003, 10:12 PM   #11
Not half the God I used to be
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: everywhere but enjoy the Vets club best
Posts: 120
Let me make something perfectly clear.

My original role was that of controlling you retards through guilt embarrassment and the kings' whims. Not having a real gov't and endless agencies to spy on, tax and arrest you fools makes it pretty tough to grow a society. What was I supposed to do, send a ufo to look over you? No, some genius came up with the bible.

I was on vacation when the bible was sent up for review and approval. My underlings signed off on it. There's a lot of great stories in the bible but after you all invented TV, I knew it was all but finished.

There is a god and he has a plan. Just not the plan most folks think of or can understand.
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