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Old 06-25-2009, 11:15 AM   #6
to live and die in LA
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,090
To whom? "Worth" requires an indirect object, some entity to that is it worth to.

Are all lives worth the same to me? No, like glatt said, the importance of lives moves outward from my immediate family, to friends, then local community, world. I would always choose the death of 1,000 strangers over the death of my daughter or son.

Are all lives worth the same to society as law? Sometimes. The law tries to view every life as equal, and treats punishment and restitution accordingly.

Are all lives worth the same to society as economy? Clearly not. The life of each person has economic weight derived from many things, including ability, risk, returned value to society, and yes, luck.

Are all lives worth the same to society as social support (medicine, welfare, etc.)? Ah. This is the great political question of our time. I'll pass.

There's no good universal answer to this question - it's too broad. You have to give a context, "for whom".
to live and die in LA
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