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Old 10-09-2003, 02:46 AM   #23
Hand-of-Kindness Extender
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Where am I?
Posts: 139
Sorry the Nazi jab was a feeble attempt to show my distaste for media. I guess not everybody knows that I'm not the sheep that follows CNN.

I know now not to make comments about wrasslin to Dave...He seemed to not like the rock comment. Sorry to talk ill of you favorite pasttime.

Let me follow Dave's logic on ahhhhnalds political experience, besides getting in with the kennedy clan, for a moment.

As you can tell from my name I do enjoy Jeeps. I've wrote numerous letters trying to keep PUBLIC lands PUBLIC for everybody. I work on my jeep daily, (harley owners would understand) and have became a semi-expert in all things jeep. Now where do I sign up for the CEO position for Chrysler????

Democrats voting for Democrates? Who gives a crap. The difference between party lines are blurring more and more everyday. Canidates are afraid to be too radical for fear of alienating voters. True welfare reform. Yeah right. I'm sure crackwhore mothers everywhere would register to vote to make sure they don't get elected. If you want to get elected, say what they want to hear, throw lots of money out, Woo ted turner and other media moguls so you are painted in a more favorable light and sit back and enjoy the ride.

The whole election was a farce, but in America you can have anything you want if you have enough money. Just ask O.J. and Arnold.
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