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Old 06-13-2009, 11:04 AM   #9
Franklin Pierce
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Originally Posted by DeepOne View Post
No US president can really do much to change anything because they do not hold absolute power. Even if Obama wanted to drastically change the United States, he would be attacked from all sides and nothing would be accomplished. That is also assuming that Obama did want "change", and was not just saying that to get elected (hint, the latter is true or else he would not be a legitimate candidate).

Obama is just using (attempting to use?) a time tested technique, change just enough to be able to say you did something but not enough to get the people with power really pissed off.

As for Iran, it seems that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been declared the victor but I'm pretty sure everyone suspects foul play. Iran is slowly liberalizing and as long as a big event doesn't happen, I would hopefully expect a shift towards more secular and democratic Iran in the next few decades. It is their battle.
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