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Old 06-11-2009, 03:26 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
A couple nights ago I dreamed that I had just spent the night camping out with my kids. We were all sleeping in this large king size bed, and as I woke up (in the dream) I was cuddling with my son. I looked at the side of his head, and there, nestled in his hair were a couple white cockroach looking insects. They looked sort of puffy and soft. I knew in an instant that they were lice. I realized in horror that since we had just been sleeping in the same spot, that they were in my hair and my daughter's hair too. So I walked into another part of the house to where my wife was curled up on the couch reading. I was about to tell her that the three of us had lice when I saw a whole bunch of them just nestled in the wrinkles of the upholstery next to her head.

I woke up for real shortly after that.
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