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Old 06-10-2009, 09:34 PM   #283
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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I have to say that as far as sugar goes, Aden clearly gets 'hypo' when he drinks softdrink. His behaviour changes almost immediately, and then he gets grumpy when he's coming down off that high. Simple solution for us is to water down his softdrink or simply not allow him to have it. We've also been working on getting him to be aware of his changes in behaviour so that he can regulate his own behaviour now that he's getting a bit too old to just say he can't have it (or will be soon anyway).

We pretty much don't have softdrink in the house though, and when we do, the kids mostly are only allowed to have it in the mornings. Never after 4pm or so.

Of course, it could be the preservatives and/or colouring they put in it too, but either way, softdrinks are frowned on here.

As for kids being allowed to get away with bad behaviour simply because they're hypo from sugar (if that's what their parents blame it on), then bring back the birch for the parents. They should a. not allow the child to have the food that they blame, and b. they should still be disciplining their child. Otherwise it's like saying, "Oh he likes playing with fire. We can't stop him even though we know he'll get burnt or possibly burn someone else" Duh! Yes you can stop him. You're his parents! It's your job!!!
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