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Old 06-03-2009, 08:53 AM   #1275
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 23,401
I'm not sure how or if I should say this, so I'll just be blunt. Weren't you in a very similar situation before you went to live with your guy friend. The one that was going to help you and pay rent till you got back on your feet? then you went to 2 (I think) other places after that before moving in with your parents. Granted he was an idiot.
Perhaps all you need is a place of your own without roomies. If so do not read anymore of this post.

Perhaps your mother is right. I don't know - All I have to go on is what has been posted here. Perhaps your mum, has a real poor communication style, but the biggest heart in the world.
Perhaps she was only trying to help you get a little more cash each month to offset the bills.
Mum later backtracked, saying that it wasn't necessarily how she felt, she was just suggesting what I should say so that I could get a place of my own.
If you stop here and take out the inferred part that you wrote after this, I agree with her. If your goal is to eventually get a job, a place of your own and to become self sufficient...I think she is spot on.
There is no doubt that your mom loves you! Look at all the pics and the video you've posted here. Remember the christmas carol or more recently the walk you all just took? The video of your parents home... there are many. She only wants the best for you and you know that.

As far as the "situation" at home... Hell my parents have been married over 50 years and they "argue" all the time. Part of what you may be seeing while living there is reality, not the fantasy world we all hope exists. People are flawed creatures - all of us. So your parents bitch and complain - they're entitled. I think you may take it a lot harder than they do. Shit, they may not even see it that way.

I think she honestly forgets sometimes that I'm having a tough time.
She really cannot understand - you'll have to remind her repeatedly 5, 10, 15 times a day - till she gets it. Just go up to her and just give her a hug and tell her "I love you, thanks for everything you & dad are doing for me."
I strongly suspect that if I was moved into a welfare B&B, on my own - without Diz for a start - I'd be drinking within 48 hours. Pessimistic, but realistic.
maybe not 48 hours, but I agree with you, you need more time. You are making great progress, do not lose sight of that.
For all that you can do and the talents, intellect, experience you have.... you also have a disease and you are not in control of it yet.
Please know that I am trying to help. I think I may have more than worn out my welcome on this, I'll shut up now.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt

Last edited by classicman; 06-03-2009 at 08:59 AM.
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