Thread: Abortion Debate
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Old 05-31-2009, 07:53 PM   #194
Constitutional Scholar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
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Abortion doesn't kill people. In fact not a single human death has ever occurred in the history of all abortions other than the deaths of young girls getting botched back alley abortions from butchers because some jackasses wanted to violate the fundamental right of all women to get an abortion if they so choose by making an illegitimate law.

I could care less at which point human life begins. I care about when human rights begin, and those begin at birth and not a second before.

It wouldn't matter if a fully-sentient human being was inside the body of another and they were capable of speech and begged for their life. As long as they reside within the body of another person (regardless of how they got doesn't matter why someone got pregnant) and they have never been born (this prevents the idiots from using an example of someone kidnapping someone and sewing them into their own body)... they have ZERO human rights.

Killing any organism within the confines of your own body is not murder. It doesn't matter if it's a tumor, a tapeworm, or even a fully sentient human being. It has no rights.

We each have SOLE DOMINION over our own body and its contents. Our decisions as to what will or won't live within the confines of our body is not to be questioned any more than someone would question god as to why babies die. We are the GOD of our own body and no other person, group of people, or government has any say in what we do with the contents of our body.

Once again we see how the hypocritical right-wing zealots and religious wing nuts claiming to respect the "sanctity of life" don't really care about the sanctity of human life if that human happens to be an abortion doctor helping women with a medical procedure that they have every right to get.

No person, group of people (regardless of their number) or government has any authority whatsoever to forcibly prevent or punish an abortion any more than a single woman would have the authority to force all other women to get an abortion.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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