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Old 05-27-2009, 09:27 PM   #206
King Of Wishful Thinking
Join Date: Jan 2001
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It is now officially getting strange. The opposing lawyers who brought us Bush v. Gore are getting together to attempt to get SCOTUS to overturn Prop 8.

Gay marriage advocacy groups are not happy since they believe that this is the wrong court to make the argument to and a loss would be a large setback.

LOS ANGELES - The legal eagles who fought on opposite sides in Bush v. Gore want to walk down the aisle together in federal court to overturn California's ban on gay marriage.
Theodore Olson, the ex-Solicitor General who represented George Bush in the 2000 ballot battle, and David Boies, who represented Al Gore, announced their partnership Wednesday, declaring Prop. 8 denies gay couples a "fundamental right" afforded in the federal Constitution.
The interesting bedfellows filed their lawsuit in U.S. District Court in northern California Friday and asked for an immediate injunction against Prop. 8 until the federal case is resolved.
"It's not about liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican. We're here in part to symbolize that. This case is about the equal rights guaranteed to every American under the United States constitution," said Olson, a prominent Republican.
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