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Old 05-25-2009, 10:14 AM   #9
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
I didn't even notice what fingers they had up until I saw Bruce's smiley.
It's just not as common a gesture here. But when I see people sticking two fingers up (usually American or Japanese teens) I do have the same reaction
I had to look that up. According to this source, it all depends if the palm is facing in or out.

BTW, is crooking a finger in Australia really only used to get a hooker? I can see all sorts of funny police encounters with that one. Sort of like foot tapping in a men's room stall.


Thumbs up sign – no meaning in Asia. Obscene in many Middle Eastern countries, Nigeria, Australia and Afghanistan. Okay sign obscene in some countries.

Pointing with index finger – rude to Asians and others.

Most of Europe waves goodbye with just the fingers moving. American “good-bye” wave with the entire hand means “come here” to people from Southeast Asia, is an insult in Greece, and means "no" in many other countries.

The two-finger V sign means victory with palm facing out. With the palm facing it, it either means two or "shove it" depending on what country you are in.

Crooking finger to say “come here” is obscene in Japan. In Yugoslavia and Malaysia, it is used to call animals. In Indonesia and Australia, the gesture beckons prostitute. In Vietnam it is used to call animals or an inferior person. Can be threatening or hostile.

Smiling has different meanings – some groups will not smile in photographs because they believe it makes them seem frivolous or shallow. Smiling in some countries indicates sadness or anger.

The fig gesture (fist with thumb between index and middle finger) is an obscene sign of contempt in many European countries, but in some South American countries, it means good luck (many wear pendants or other jewelry with this sign).
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