Thread: Georgism
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Old 10-02-2003, 02:34 PM   #89
a real smartass
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Kirkland, WA
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- you provide warm coats to protect them from bad weather
- you supply them with good food
- comfortable working conditions
- comfortable housing
- 20 acre range
- free medical and health care

It sounds like you might have a liberal streak to ya, missy! Next thing you know, you'll be giving your goats Twizzlers!

BUT! What would happen if you were not such a good mistress? What if you were the Cruella deVille sort?

Would your goats be fleeced before the winter came with it's cold storms?
Would your goats live in stalls little larger than a cubicle?
Would your goats have to live on a thin gruel of watery wheat paste?
Would you take the hatchet to them if they didn't produce enough milk?

You see, it all depends upon you. Since you are a good mistress, the goats live well. Were you not a good mistress, the goats might suffer in ways you would shiver to think about.

Socialism came about to curtail the abuses of the Cruella deVilles of the world. The people that Upton Sinclair was trying to expose. The goats may have lucked out this time, but do they have a choice whether they will work for you or for another? What about those poor goats out there that are being oppressed?

Last edited by Torrere; 10-02-2003 at 05:16 PM.
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