Thread: Georgism
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Old 10-02-2003, 09:29 AM   #88
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Torrere, as a matter of fact, my goats have some very nice 'goat coats' for inclement weather. They're made of nylon lined with polar fleece, designed to keep the little kiddes warm. I run them up on my sewing machine.

My poor 'working' goats have such a hard life, they get fed grain twice a day, have all the hay they want, all the green stuff they can eat, and 20 acres of pasture land to play in. They've got a nice snug 'goat shed' and get better health care than most people. In return all I expect is for them to keep the pasture free of weeds and brush, a few gallons of milk per day, and an increase in herd size. If anyone is worried about them ending up in the freezer, it isn't going to happen, they're more like pets than farm animals.

Guess that makes me the same as the big bad goverment, oppressing the poor goats like that, expecting them to work in exchange for all those goodies. Oh my god, I think I may be a
Why kill them when you can make them live and suffer?
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