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Old 05-17-2009, 12:11 AM   #11
Bitchy Little Brat
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
Because they group fuck like dogs in heat?
Seriously, I'm not holding them to a higher standard than I do any man.
I wasnt actually referring to the group sex thing, but the thought popped into my head about sports stars in general....getting pissed, blewin' with drunk dudes in the pub...dumb shit that happens to a lot of guys, sports guys get held to a higher standard.

Originally Posted by Ali

Regardless of whether this chick knew what she was getting into or not, it would seem that she didn't ask to have sex with 6 or 8 of them but possibly 2.

Who's to say what the credentials of the other barmaid are? No one knows what her adjenda might be in smearing this womans reputation. Maybe she had her eye on one of them herself? You just never know, but it certainly seems that there's been a lot of covering up over the whole thing.

I think it's about time the disgusting behaviour of the NRL players in general has been brought to light finally. Perhaps now they'll do something about cleaning up the game.

As a note, it seems these types of situations occur when teams are travelling together. Are they actually on their own time then? Or should they be expected to behave themselves when they're on tour?

When any other sporting team goes on tour they're generally expected to conform to a code of conduct. Why not rugby league players?

The whole thing just reeks and although I feel sorry for Johns' family, in particular his kids, I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for him. He did cheat on his wife remember, and it would seem that that's the least of his problems now.
Agreed, we cant know what the other barmaid's agenda was, same as we cant know if the *cough*victim*cough* wanted to do all those guys and brag about it.

The whole thing does reek, and I think the guys did cock up very badly...I just dont believe she's totally a victim.

I do have sympathy for Matty, he cheated on his wife - yes, his wife knew about it and they worked past it. I dont think the punishment fits the alleged crime.
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