Thread: Gitmo Update
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Old 05-15-2009, 04:52 PM   #29
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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May 15 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama will keep the military tribunal system for trying terrorism suspects held at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and expand legal protections for defendants.

The Defense Department will ask a military court for another delay in trials of suspected terrorist as the first step in revamping and reviving tribunals for some detainees, Obama said in a statement.

“We will seek more time to allow us time to reform the military commission process,” the statement said. “These reforms will begin to restore the commissions as a legitimate forum for prosecution, while bringing them in line with the rule of law.”

The actions would revive a system put in place by former President George W. Bush with changes that address objections that Obama raised about the policy during his presidential campaign. Human rights groups criticized the president’s decision, while several key lawmakers voiced their support.

Obama said he wanted to preserve the military commissions system as a proper forum “for trying enemies who violate the laws of war, provided that they are properly structured and administered.”
Good - If done properly this is the best course of action - Try and convict if guilty then sentence or if innocent move on.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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