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Old 05-13-2009, 09:20 AM   #9
Kinda New Member
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Pangloss62 View Post
"I dread the day he gets out because I think he'll do it again to somebody."

So said 15 years ago the mother of a convicted rapist (Michael Ledford) who allegedly raped and killed an area cyclist last week. She added that her son and other of her six children "seemed 'pre-destined' to get into trouble" despite her best efforts. She also stated that neither [Ledford] nor his brothers have ever shown any fear of the law. She added "that they have always done as they pleased regardless of the consequences."

Have you guys ever known any "bad seeds," actual schoolmates that are now in prison whom you thought would end up there when you knew them as a kid? I knew one kid in 3rd grade, Paingee Janson, who tied cats' tails in knots and had a treehouse filled with Playboy and Penthouse magazines. He was friendly, but quick to fight and argue. His parents were the nicest people I ever met, and even as a kid I felt sorry they had to deal with such a nasty little kid. I don't know if he's in jail today.
The trial has began and I am amazed he was out and walking among us.What a Piece of Human Garbage!

Ms Ewing apparently bit his Penis almost off when he tried to force her to suck his cock! That is not getting much press coverage yet.I guess that fact is too inflamatory during the trial.

I am trying to research his family,it apperas as though they were a strange lot to say the least! All information welcomed.
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