Thread: Post Your Pet
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Old 05-04-2009, 01:41 PM   #843
Profitable Prophet
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 30
man. wish I could get that pic to open up

also, let me commiserate on your whippet mix experience for a wee second: understand, esme is "beautiful" and "in shape" because she is probably, actually, a whippet and/or (oh jesus) italian grey hound mixed with pit. which is to say she is SKINNY. actually on a weight gain diet.

this is very aesthetically pleasing. it also means she has...behavioral issues that are unique. understand. wonderful dog. sweet as pie. listens perfectly. unless she is chasing something or attempting to chase something to eat. then. well if you COULD catch up to her you'd be hard pressed to get her attention until she is done. there are not enough treats in the world to train her out of this. it's ingrained in sight hounds.

also, for the record: i've tried treating her and praising her for coming/returning when called. 95% accuracy. inside, in a controlled situation. where there is NO OTHER FOOD OR HUNT. 0% accuracy in those situations. actually: wrestling her to the ground is the only thing that works in those situations. go figure.
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