Thread: Women like that
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Old 09-28-2003, 11:48 PM   #1
Breathing into a paper bag
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Women like that

I'm rereading some of our more.....emotional posts, and it occurs to me that some women are more prone to have those southern belle vapors than others. I had a friend who used to simper on a regular basis. She was the one who had to banter with all the men-- had to be friends, had to be lovers. Above all, she had to have all the attention focused on her.

I had no way to combat that. I was a thinker, and not comfortable with that banter that inevitably leads to a bedroom offer. I am still not comfortable with it.

But it seemed to me that the men...most of them, anyway, couldn't see past her chest and that "you're the only man in the world" eyelash batting to what she was really like -- an empty hole, needing to be filled every second.

Ever run across one of these women? And what's the difference between the flesh and the Cellar? Seems like LB would get more play in real life than she gets here. Or is that just me?
Taking up smoking to lose weight.
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