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Old 04-29-2009, 08:43 PM   #8
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Originally Posted by mbpark View Post
PuTTY - Free SSH/Telnet/Serial Client
WinSCP - Free SFTP client
FileZilla - Free FTP/SFTP client
TrueCrypt - Open Source drive encryption, including boot drives!
VLC - best video player out there
Cygwin - Free unix-like shell and X server
Firefox - my favorite web browser
Questions/Comments/My List:

Can you provide some examples of what PuTTy is used for? Or is it one of those 'if you have to ask, you don't need it' kind of things?

True Crypt is a little scary. Is there a guide to make using it a little more straightforward. I worry that I'll encrypt my stick and then never be able to access it again.

I like VLC. A lot. But the sound quality is average at best. Foobar's DSP add-ons are far better but Quintessential Player's iZoTope Ozone DSP add on is the best sound quality I've ever heard - even better than my registered version of Nero.

Here are some less widely known apps I think are worth checking out:

Samurize desktop configuratorizorthingamajig. Not for everybody but allows unlimited potential for desktop customization. It even takes text files and displays them as part of the desktop which is a lifesaver for me - I use it to make my toDo list part of my desktop. Check out the user configs - some are amazing.

Portable Apps for your USB stick: Many apps already mentioned are available as USB apps that run off your USB drive. I'll highlight one in particular: Toucan file synchronizer. May not be the best in class but for me, its elegance is its simplicity.

Fiddler: Web debugger - a Swiss Army knife of intarweb utils including a URL snooper. Unfortunately, it only runs on IE.

Duplicate Finder: I dunno about you but I have duplicates of duplicates. This program will find them even if they have different names! And, if you want, it'll delete the dups. A lifesave for us packrats.

Q10: When you just want to focus on writing something and want the rest of your computer to leave you alone, Q10 to the rescue.

FolderICO: Some days, I couldn't find a fly in a bowl of milk. For me, there's folderICO - make folders different colors.

Scaleable fabric: Your desktop will never be the same.

Sysinternals Suite: Be the master of your domain.

Unlocker: For when you absolutely, positively cannot delete a file.

Rainlender: Desktop calendar.

And, saving the best for last...

RoboForm: The grandaddy of password managers. On a USB stick. It automatically logs you in to any site and has its own bookmarks for login sites. I have run out of superlatives for this one.
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