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Old 04-18-2009, 05:05 AM   #1
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Will the last left-winger to leave the Party, please switch off the light...

I knew this was coming. Most of us who know Alice, knew she was intending to resign from the party. But it is still surprising to see it there on the screen. As those of you who've been following my brief foray into formal party politics are no doubt aware, I have lost all love of my party. The dream is broken, along with a wheelie bin full of promises. The party has de-coupled itself from the movement that gave it purpose and vision. What's left is politically vacant and morally bankrupt.

This is the Yorkshire Post's coverage of her resignation.

She talks about a candidate who was viciously smeared in the press and then deselected by the party's machine. That's my friend. A good friend. It has been the final straw for me also. I am treading water until I can make a graceful exit that doesnt damage the current MP and doesn't open up my current council seat to the BNP (nationalist party). That means timing it right, so that the bye-election for my seat falls near enough to the general, or another local election, that it could be piggy-backed onto.

I've been thinking this for a while. I may have had the occasional rant in chat about it... *smiles*

Anyway. It tells a tale, and a telling one, that Alice Mahon has turned away from the Labour Party. Bit by bit, the good ones are driven away. She's an amazing woman. I have huge affection and respect for her. And she throws a killer Christmas party:P Bit by bit ... the colour drains from the Party. Bit by bit, it's losing its soul.
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