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Old 04-17-2009, 01:47 PM   #21
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Even as an obese person myself, I agree with the idea that if you take up two seats, or increase the weight of an aircraft significantly, you should be charged more.

The Pay As You Go system which now extends to paying to use the toilet however, I disagree with. You can help how much you weigh - hard as it is and underlying problems there may be, it is possible. You cannot control how much you need to use the toilet - beyond fasting for 12 hours prior to the flight.

Restaurants with only one toilet (ie a unisex toilet for the whole restaurant) never used to be able to get an alcohol licence. Instead they encouraged customers to bring their own alcohol and only served soft drinks. It caught on, and many Indian restaurants work on this basis - it's a much cheaper alternative all round. Shame the aircraft won't allow that. You could keep a whole family contented with a six pack of Walkers crisps and a bottle of duty free Baileys.

Not that that matters to me of course. Not any more. I just resent having bodily needs charged for.
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