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Old 04-09-2009, 11:47 AM   #122
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Canada
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Originally Posted by Shawnee123 View Post
I would too. In fact, I would put a bet on you getting your guts chewed out by a nice big kitty-cat. If only I could find a half-assed bookie.
that would be a free money bet.
try william hill

What DO you smoke in your spare time, and will you please send some this way? :p
i'm in law enforcment, so no, i don't smoke anything that'll get me fired.
By the by, how does one go to TWO places FIRST? Is that a sucker's bet?

what i meant was, the first 2 places i'd go to.
the second place i'd go to is around the same time.

a lot of people say that if they'd go back in time, they'd go back to kill hitler, to prevent the death of the jews.

now, thats nice and all, but despite not being on the side our species, there is one man that was responsible for more innocent deaths than hitler.
i would go back in time, and kill this man the day he was born.
to honour the tens of millions of innocent people who died in his name.
pls stfu k thx
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