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Old 09-22-2003, 06:46 PM   #15
Not aging gracefully.
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 530
Originally posted by Whit
      But I was JOKING! Why is it everything I say pisses everyone off??? Couldn't you see the smilie??? Why can't I make the same jokes as everyone else?

Shit Whit, hey that rhymes (I've always wanted to call you Nit Whit, but given my inability to convey a funny or sarcastic remark, I've fought the urge:p , but look I finally managed to slip it in a post ), anyhoo, stop poking little funnies at me when you know damn good and well I can't respond with my own little tidbits. You're not helping, just teasing now. Like waving a juicy steak in front of a pitbull chained to a tree. Free me from my chains Whit to run unabashed through the Cellar in all it's glee and jovialness (is that a word?, or maybe, just maybe I misspelled it, but of course you wouldn't be so rude as to correct my spelling....that would deifintely be an unforgivable PERSONAL ATTACK that I would have to live with for the rest of my wretched, flea ridden life):p :p :p :p :p
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

Mama Loves You Baby Girl ~ May You Rest In Peace
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