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Old 09-22-2003, 06:37 PM   #14
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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LB, if you review the threads I believe that you'll find that I've offered you nothing but helpful advice in a calm way and you took a big huge dump all over me for it.

I particularly enjoyed how you turned up to 11 to respond to my post suggesting you turn down to 4. It was a really supreme ironic twist.

You haven't really read a word I've said, because you are emotionally manic. You thrive on attention, and it really doesn't matter how you get it. You are absolutely desperate for human contact, and you don't know exactly how to go about getting it.

You will read this as me putting you down. But I am not; I am being your opposite. I am coldly, unemotionally stating facts.

There may be an awesome human being behind this attention-seeking emotional mania. But we can't see it, and won't make contact with it, because the mania gets in the way.
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