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Old 09-22-2003, 05:11 PM   #3
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Out of all the BS floating around here DagNEY is the only one to just come out and say she doesn't like me. Thank God someone can at least be honest about it and not try to cover up their real feelings with hidden innuendos. Thanks to you DagNEY, the feeling is mutual.
Now there you go again, Dear. You're saying everyone doesn't like you and is covering it up with innuendos. That's neither true or fair to "everyone". C'mon now, you don't want to be like the old man and dump on anyone you think might be thinking ill of you, do you?
You have to be careful with retaliation because if you're wrong you look stupid to the other people, besides the one you're retaliating against.
You think you're being held to a tighter standard than others. Yes, you probably are, just because of history. If a cat claws you, don't you watch it closer for awhile after that?
As much as I respect Dagney's opinion, DON'T go AOL. That's just disgusting.
Smile Baby, and the world smiles with you.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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