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Old 04-02-2009, 10:39 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by wolf View Post
I am scheduled for extractions on April 17. I have no idea what this is going to end up costing me, but as it happens the nearby oral surgeon my dentist suggested is in-network for my really crappy dental coverage.

I have learned that my insurance does not pay for full anesthesia.

Has anyone had extractions done under just novacaine? How torturous is it?

My only experience with having teeth pulled was my wisdom teeth, and I was full under in a short procedure unit of a hospital for that.
I had extractions done under just novacaine done when I was about 12... I don't remember it being that painful.

I recently went to the dentist because I have dental insurance now and it had been a LOOOOOONG time since I had been. Long story short, two cavities - one that is a possible root canal and deep cleanings every 3 months. Most of which is happening wednesday, 4/8.
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