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Old 03-30-2009, 07:25 AM   #1
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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My latest obsession: The Boosh

Went looking for a Boosh clip for ZenGum in another thread (rabbit rape clip).

So, have now ended up wasting an hour and a half watching clips from the tv show The Mighty Boosh.

Now I am compelled to inflict it onto you as per my usual strategy when gaining a minor obsession. So...

Any of you who haven't yet encountered the Boosh, a few words of explanation:

The Mighty Boosh started out as a radio show then transferred to tv. It's very strange. Utterly surreal. The nominal 'situation' for the comedy is a zoo. Vince Noir and Howard Moon work atthe zoo. Howard Moon is sort of Vince's mentor...or thinks he is. The show takes very strange and bizarre turns. Vince's brother is a shamen with a stall in the zoo and brings in all manner of strange companions. The animals sometimes talk. The characters wander into odd places. The set-up of zoo is tenuous and yet encompassing. There are worlds within the world of the zoo.

Second series they unhooked themselves from the zoo and managed the shamen's new oddities shop. This setting is even less able to anchor them to any kind of sane reality and the shows invariably spiral into madness.

So...a selection of clips.

Clip 1: Howard has been backed into a nasty situation. He's been persuaded to get into the ring with a vicious kangaroo. Vince has been training him up in boxing, down atthe gym. But he ain't ready and Vince knows it.

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