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Old 11-16-2001, 11:35 AM   #73
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Originally posted by dhamsaic
the biggest problem with pantera is that phil anselmo is a fucking drunk. i'll agree that VDOP is a great album, but that's the last really good one i've heard from them. furthermore, phil SUCKED live when i saw them last year. he fucking mumbled through the songs and talked shit the whole time.
Now THAT wouldn't surprise me. But you wouldn't catch me at a Pantera show to save my soul.

But I disagree on their album collection. Far Beyond Driven and The Great Southern Trendkill are excellent albums, especially the latter (which is probably my favorite). I don't own Reinventing the Steel, but from what I've heard, it doesn't sound bad.

There's a hard rock-metal station in Springfield, Illinois--WQLZ (92.1 FM I believe). When I used to drive between St. Louis and Chicago, it would be the buffer station between the two cities. (I would listen to it after the Point in St. Louis faded and before I could pick up Q101 from Chicago.) And on two particular instances, they played songs that a) I never thought I'd hear on the radio and b) That are just great metal songs. One time it was Metallica's "The Thing that Should Not Be." The second time was Pantera's "Cemetary Gates." Nothing like driving through the hell that is central Illinois, smoking cigarettes, drinking Dr. Pepper, and banging my head like it's 1990.
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