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Old 03-28-2009, 07:27 PM   #135
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Heh... well, ah, just in case TGRR is wrong...

This book has been amazing. It is basically a summation of every single autism-related medical study ever. I read it cover-to-cover in two days. Okay, maybe I skimmed some of the more technical bits, because it does get extremely scientific in some places. But it's laid out well enough for the layperson to understand. It dips into the vaccine debate, including the methodological drawbacks of studies on both sides, but that is just a small section of the book. The most important thing it does is explain which subset of the autistic population seems to respond to which therapy, and why. So now, instead of browsing the internet and finding 50 different treatments and no evidence to back them up except opposing anecdotes that it either dramatically helped a child or had absolutely no effect, I have each one laid out and explained, and can identify myself which ones Minifob might have success with. (The nutritional supplement that counterbalances glutamate in the brain, and has shown success specifically with kids who seem to have problems with MSG? That one's at the top of the grocery list.)

What's more, the author of the book currently practices in--get this--Austin, alongside several other doctors who are convinced of the connection between autism and diet/digestion issues, including Dr. Wakefield. Yes, that Dr. Wakefield. I've filed an intake form online with their practice, so I guess I'll find out on Monday what kind of a waiting list they have...
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