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Old 03-25-2009, 02:52 PM   #83
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Canada
Posts: 1,513
i'm refering to the murder of innocent people away from the usa.
the theft being the cause of the usa sending their military overseas.
i'm refering to the brainwashing of the media that has you all stupified as to whats really going on.

the reason why the word freedom makes me think of these things is because freedom is the word thats used as an excuse for this murder and theft to occur.

this thread asks me to speak my mind.
i'm doing so as honestly as possible.
if you're living in the states and feel some sort of security by this word freedom, than all the power to ya.
keep in mind though, that the only real reason you feel free is cause you're comparing where you live to a third world country.
horseshit, when compared to bullshit may seem like something superior, but nothing changes the fact that its shit.
pls stfu k thx
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