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Old 11-14-2001, 09:41 PM   #9
lurkin old school
Join Date: Oct 2001
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Interesting question.

Any film/video, documentary, blockbuster, newreel or afterschool special is a constructed interpretation of events. The newsreel captures only one frame of the event and only what is visible. documentaries are framed and edited. Certainly in a the narrative of a scripted film there are multiple interpretations projected by the various creators and perceived by the diverse audiences.

So, no two people will ever experience or recount an actual incident in the exact same way. So from the second some event occurs and then becomes a memorable account- its a slippy, shifty, thang.But they may come to agree on a shared collective memory.

So there are blockbuster movies based on actual events. but there are a zillion ways to spin the story- but that keeps it kinda interesting, eh?
My vote: Yes, there are non-fiction movies if we agree to believe that it happened that way.
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