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Old 03-09-2009, 08:46 PM   #92
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 16,493
Well, at the risk of being a big fat poopy-head with ginger pubes and a belly button that smells like tw posted in it (lol) I'm going to reply anyway.

One persons troll is another persons friend. I believe the word troll is being bandied around this place far too frequently lately and some people are forgetting the contributions some people have made to this board during the time they've been here.

For the record, if lumberjim thinks I'm a troll, it's really a case of sticks and stones to me and I'll be just as happy if he goes back to ignoring me. My point was simply that although we might choose to take offense at some people's comments, they are not always meant with any kind of ill will. Of course I knew that he wouldn't encourage to SG to drink when she's clearly on the wagon. Although we may have our differences (although it still amazes me that he's decided to think the worst of me for whatever reason) I know he doesn't intentionally set out to be an arsehole.

So, also for the record, I think it'd be much more productive for this forum if people would just stop and think for a second before they decide to go ahead and think the worst of people and the comments they might make. Pretty soon if you get into the habit of it, with written communication, you can read the worst into almost any comment, and it's very rare than anyone is all bad.

Anyway, that it for this big fat poopy-head.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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