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Old 11-14-2001, 03:10 PM   #1
Complex Simpleton
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: NJ
Posts: 18
A National ID Card

I see where the airlines want voluntary citizen and mandatory identification cards for use to fly. This scares me for a number of reasons, the first being that the government will mandate mandatory ID cards for every one.Recent polls show that 70% of the people favor some kind of national ID. I do not see how a program like this would have stopped the Sept 11th. catastrophe. I heard Allen Dersawitz (the spelling may be wrong) say that he is in favor of a limited form of national Id. His suggestion would involve a photo a finger print a retinal print social security number. All this would do, is cause us to give up our privacy and in all probability they (the government) would have the ability to know exactly where you are at any time through a global positing system. It would at that point I think separate us from the government, we would no longer be the government, "they would be the government" and the they would be the invisible bureaucratic empire at that time in complete control of the people. You just have to look at some of these agency's and how the answer to know one once legislation is enacted. The IRS The EPA to name a few. This is something we should proceed with the utmost caution
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