Thread: Remembrance
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Old 09-11-2003, 04:09 PM   #4
Sibling of the Commonweal
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Albuquerque, NM, USA
Posts: 16

We should never be anything less than reverent about those who lost their lives. If we don't remember them, aren't we being contradictory? Doesn't everyone want folks to think well of them after they're gone? I do. Every time I fly my flag (every Farkin' day since 9.11.01), I look at it at least once, and my heart twings a little bit. I hope we NEVER forget. When those bagpipes started this morning, I was every bit as sad as when it happened, as when I saw those many funerals. Some damn brave folks died that day, even if they were not in uniform. God bless their souls, and my prayers are with their family members. Can anyone really tell me those little children's reading of the names did not chill them? If you can, I really don't believe you.
God bless America
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