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Old 09-11-2003, 12:13 PM   #9
still says videotape
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Originally posted by hot_pastrami
Is the world a safer place without Saddam's regime in Iraq? Yes.
I have to disagree, I think the world is a lot more dangerous now that Iraq is up for grabs. Saddam was NO THREAT to the United States. Back when we were at war with the terrorists, we were concentrating on Afghanistan and the Pakistan border region. Pouring our present mid-East manpower committment into that region, with Iraq buttoned down by the nut case, might have lead to bin Ladens capture and Quedas destruction. As it is now, we are wasting American lives on the neo-cons unrealistic Mid-East fantasy. Somebody mentioned a chess analogy. Unfortunately chess is not nearly complicated enough to be a valid comparison, in chess you have two distinct opponents its not that clear on the world stage.
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