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Old 03-02-2009, 11:26 AM   #8
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Top looks like pakora (nom, nom, nom)
Bottom like chapati. There are restaurants in Dana's neck of the woods that serve curries with a choice of cutlery or chapati - what they lose in cooking the flour & water dish they gain in not washing up!

This is one of the fundamentals of the Indian sub-continent - if you like people you share your food with them. Which was why living in Leicester, with a high Asian population was such a pleasure, but so bad for my waistline! Everyone from my work colleagues to my local convenience store (who would discount home cooked curries for me) were always pressing food on me.

Glad to hear you're such a good customer Jinx. Keep up the good work in documenting! And if you ever get to ask, ask for some Gulab Jamun (a dessert). Just never Indian sweets, which melt your teeth even if all you do is open the box. Those things are S.W.E.E.T with a capital sweet.

ETA - pakoras and bhajis taste great dunked in natural yoghurt. And it will cool them off for the kids too.
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