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Old 02-28-2009, 02:02 AM   #2
in a mood, not cupcake
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 3,034
Rick Santorum is a sick man.

I was completely disgusted when he had the news story run about his wife's miscarriage, and how he brought the dead fetus home, and had his children say their goodbyes before it was buried in their backyard.

That was such a private matter; the public does not need to know about those things. But apparently Mr. Santorum craves attention so badly, that he has to take the extreme route via the media. This column is no exception.

I am so relieved that we got that freak out of office. But it's not just him that's the problem, of course. Certain "official" stances of the Catholic church are completely wrong, and I think that has too much to do with the huge political power that it enjoys.
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