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Old 02-10-2009, 03:39 PM   #14
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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They are very noisy in mating season. They make a really horrible grunting noise that goes on all night long, and is very difficult to sleep through, and it's true that they can do some damage. If for some reason they come down from the trees and then they get a fright and you happen to be the closest thing that looks like a tree, they'll run up your leg and rip it to shreds.

I wouldn't say they're particularly vicious though. Mostly if they're on the ground they're putting most of their effort into thinking about going back up a tree for a feed and a snooze. They spend something like 70% of their time sleeping.

The group that gets the most damage from koalas are tourists who think they can just go over and pat them if they're on the ground or down low. Those things have claws! Leave them alone!!!
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