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Old 02-08-2009, 06:06 PM   #42
Hoof Hearted smell something?
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Monroe, GA
Posts: 420
If the screen frame is used and has the tunnel attached to it....then it can't slide open/closed, can it? Everyone will be trapped on whatever side of the door/screen they are on.
If you use an INSERT for the tunnel opening and are able to close the screen and sliding door to IT, then the opening will still be accessible for both humans and cats.
Also...if you remove the apartment screen door and store it somewhere, you can use a replacement (used would work) and slice it till your heart's content. Upon moving out of the apartment, the apartment would still have the nice screen door and the cut one can be removed/junked.
I have the ability of single-minded determination and focu...Hey, look! A horse!
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