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Old 11-09-2001, 08:40 PM   #1
Scopulus Argentarius
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When Cable Providers Go Wrong

Two months ago, Cox Cable Services announced that they were bumping up their monthly internet access rate by $10 a month (or $120/yr). At this time, (Plot Thickens) Cox suggested that their subscribers could defray the $10/month charge by buying the cable modem equipment instead of renting from Cox ($180 at the time via pricewatch). I declined to delay that purchase so I'm paying the higher rate ($55/month).

Just last week, I got a flyer in the mail from Cox telling me that my internet rate would go up another $10 a month after 01.01.2002 if I didn't subscribe to their television service. (Their 'Preferred-Pricing' racket) I think $65/month ($780/yr) is too much to pay for internet access that varied wildly in speed. Looks like dialup for me. (DSL is not an option) I think it was fairly calculating (sneaky) that Cox would make another rate increase after getting a good chunk of their base to invest a pretty-penny in equipment that is worthless without Cox's service. Cox is the only HS internet provider in the area.

Anything similar happining to you all?

Comments...commiserations..? Tips?

Anyone have any luck setting up cooperative neightborhood nets with internet access?
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