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Old 01-31-2009, 12:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Oregon
Posts: 9
Journal Entry, Chaos 31, YOLD 3175:

Early Morning. I have partially deciphered the runes upon the boundary marker and have used the directions provided to find my way to the local settlements. Upon arriving I have found a small group of our party has made it into this new territory. Basecamp has been established with only one tea related incident. This surely seems a good sign. I have noted which of my fellow explorers have survived the stinking humid trek through the jungle here in my notebook, and will send a report back to the Academy soon.
[Section Torn Out]
Lunch. While sipping brandy with Sir Nigel, one of the natives has approached our camp waving a torn piece of journal paper. It seems someone had approached him near their latrine grounds (and remained anonymous by hiding within the trenches). This nefarious character handed our native friend my list of Safari members... torn from my VERY JOURNAL, and began spouting filthy lies about our people. Horrible accusations of theft, rape and pillaging.

Our native host has told us that he doesn't believe these horrible slanders, as they fly in the face of our behavior while we have been guests here. He seems concerned about what this theft might mean to the relations between our groups. Sir Nigel seems to have calmed the poor fellow's nerves and thanked him for revealing this theft. This development will require quite the deliberation from the Safari. I shall break out the whiskey. [End Journal Entry]

Sir Nigel! [Offeres up a small cup of whiskey.] This recent theft has me suspecting the porters we hired on at the last town.... Or could someone be shadowing the Safari? Could this possibly be one of the Pterodactyls agents? Could they really have caught up to us while most of our party remains scattered in the jungle? How shall we approach this new threat?
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