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Old 11-09-2001, 03:59 AM   #8
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: London UK
Posts: 10
The birth of a thread

Its an interesting thought ( for me anyways ): at what point does a simple message gain enough responses to be eligible for recognition as a 'thread'.

One post alone does not make a thread, nor does one post and one reply. So there must be a 'critical mass' point that is reached and breached after which the idle banter becomes a point of sustainable discussion.

I guess thats the second aspect of a potential thread that needs to be assessed: 'Is the nature of the topic sustainable as a compelling point of interest?'

I think this is something worthy of some fairly in-depth discussion by members of this community. What say we all offer our thoughts and opinions on this to see if we can establish some means of classification.


If this should happen, I would like to inform you all that in order to secure my aims of turning this initial banal introduction into a legitimate and hotly discussed thread, I will be disagreeing with all future opinions that may emerge on this topic on the most scientific grounds I can think of. At the time.

And further more (PTO)...
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