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Old 01-25-2009, 10:36 AM   #22
King Of Wishful Thinking
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Philadelphia Suburbs
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Originally Posted by babydoll View Post
It's pretty difficult to find gamers worth the time nowadays. Most people will perk up when you ask if they're a gamer, then they'll tell you all about their WoW character. *deep sigh* Mostly, we sift through gamer friends to find someone who is available to game... and willing. Our gaming group is up to a WHOPPING three players, now! It quality, not quantity, though... right?

Geez. I should get paid by the word.
Too bad you're not in the Philly area. I used to play D&D a while back and my wife has been asking me if I wanted to do it again. Dragon13, on this board is a friend of mine and I used to be in his gaming group before we moved about 20 miles away.

As you can see, my dice are now very dusty.

Dusty Dice - Sounds like a stripper at Gaming Con.
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