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Old 01-24-2009, 01:13 PM   #12
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Rich, what do you read on the right, for balance?
Actually, I read mostly local papers. I get my national news from Google/Yahoo sources, which can be anything from the New York Times to the Los Angeles Times.

As I mentioned earlier, Christian Science Monitor did a lot of good foreign reporting.

Thanks to the Internet, I have read from almost all of the sources UG and I mentioned, except for Commentary. A long time ago, I subscribed to a magazine called Skeptic which presented two sides to every article.

As for broadcast, I tried listening to Air America, but couldn't get into it. I always see clips of Limbaugh and Coulter, but it's like watching a train wreck. I can stand Hannity in very short bursts. I take Maddow and Olbermann with a large grain of salt. They are both partisan, but generally do not have the pure vindictiveness of their conservative counterparts. To find the over-the-top liberals that match up with 'professionals' like Limbagh/Coulter, one would have to bring up amatuers like Garofalo. I will concede that Olbermann has added his 'structured rants', which begins to approach but does not match the level of vitriol of his conservative counterparts .
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