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Old 01-23-2009, 12:01 PM   #55
twatfaced two legged bumhole
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3,143
When I am the only one in the basement I must have the lights on if it is dark outside. If I have to turn out the light before going up, I run up the steps. Yes, even in my own house. I just get the creeps. [/big ninny]

I also have this fear when I am driving on the highway or interstate next to a semi truck on one side that it will blow a tire and cause me to somehow get into an accident. I don't mind it if I am passing them, I just can't stand being forced by other traffic to be driving alongside one. I'll go just slow enough that I am behind it without leaving enough room for other vehicles to squeeze through until the car ahead of me is far enough ahead of the truck that I can zoom up passed it.

I don't mind driving over bridges as long as traffic is moving. It's when all those cars are stopped on one for some reason that I get nervous.

When my daughter was an infant, I had this terrible fear that I would drive to work and forget her in the car like those stories you'd hear on the news. I almost did do it once, too. I was so focused on a presentation that I had to give at work, and she was being so quiet that I totally blew by the exit I needed to take. It wasn't until several minutes later as I hit the edge of town that I realized what I had done.
Strength does not come from how much weight you can lift, or how many miles you can run. It comes from knowing that you set a goal, and rose to the challenge. Strength comes from within.
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