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Old 11-08-2001, 04:24 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: London UK
Posts: 10
Not a thread ( sorry if I goofed here )

Erm, so I was errrr, I was in a cupboard, I had a broom & a sandwich. I was OK but a little introspective, & feelin a lil down. And this guy, some guy came ...along....and errr, suggested I stop fellin so DANG SORRY for myshelf in my cupboard with my broom & my shandwich & maybe I should drop by and see what I think of the Cellar. Its kinda strange being told " Hey pal, its not GOOD for you to sit there in that cupboard, why dont you come & visit the cellar, Huh?".

But I did, obviously, & I have to say that having arrived here, I havent a SINGLE CLUE HOW TO WORK THIS THING.

I have that feeling you get when the train driver feints from lack of food, & you were just visiting the drivers cabin, cuz...I dont know, maybe its yer birthday or something, & you like its like a special treat, and your taking your friends to the movies or something, in the neighbouring State but one, and you wanted to see the drivers cabin. And, well, the guy says " Wanna steer this big ol hunk o'steel lil fella?" & you go " WOW, Okay Mishter" & he hands you that little console control thing, & he's about to tell ya how to do it, & ... HE JUST FALLS DOWN. OUT COLD. And theres this blue stuff busting outta his nostrils, & his hands are like big claws. And you look at the hostess, but she's real scared and screaming & slapping herself all upside the place, & you look at the control-stick, & none of the words make sense, & the train is doing 350kph, & its gone WAY OFF The tracks, & you're ploughing through a field, & there's this OPERA music bustin out of the tannoy system, like the OMEN music, & people are countin on you, & screaming, & there's a nun or a preist ( or a Rabbi ), & this really busty blonde model in a miniskirt is pouting & tearing off her clothes & begging you to make meaningful love to her before you plough off the cliff into the ocean because her husband never did, & she never felt a REAL man before, but you're only three years old, & you're just goin to the movies with your buds. And your pants are wet.

ya know the feeling?

So, I decided to make a post just to see what happens. Its not a thread, and I polologise if I have done wrong by posting this.

Please forgive me, I just wanna see what happens. If I haven't bugged the beejeezus out of you with this post, I would appreciate a couple of 'Hi's' just to see what happens.

( Lawd I feel so DUMB )

MM ( over 13yrs old, promise )

Hey COOL! There's a limit to how long your messag
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